Getting SQL Server Configuration Values

This is one of those functions born out of not wanting to do a task more than once, which evolved into a more useful/reusable function when I added a little extra functionality.  I originally started writing it for the humble task of finding all instances that have xp_cmdshell enabled, but I evolved it to have the ability to find the configuration values for any and all of the configurations stored in sys.configurations as well as checking whether the values match the defaults.

Here is the function.  I will add it in its entirety to my SQL-Functions module, which you can find a link to at the bottom of this post.

FUNCTION Get-SqlConfigValue {
    Returns the configured value of a specified name on specified instances
	Returns the configured value of a specified name on specified instances
.PARAMETER  Instance
	The name of the instance(s) you wish to check.  Leaving this off will pull all instances from the inventory
	The name of the configuration in sys.configurations
    PS C:\> Get-SqlConfigValue -Instance sql01 -Config xp_cmdshell
    PS C:\> Get-SqlConfigValue -Instance (Get-Content C:\TEMP\instances.txt) -Config "max degree of parallelism"
    Author      : Ryan DeVries
    Last Updated: 2015/06/26
    Version     : 1

Nothing of interest here, just normal function help contents.  On to parameters:

    [Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=$false,ValueFromPipeline,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,HelpMessage="Name of the instance(s) to check, leave off for all instances")]
    [ValidateScript({Test-SqlConnection -Instance $_})]
    [Parameter(Position=1,Mandatory,HelpMessage="Name of the config value to check")]
    [ValidateSet("%","access check cache bucket count","access check cache quota","Ad Hoc Distributed Queries","affinity I/O mask","affinity mask","affinity64 I/O mask","affinity64 mask","Agent XPs","allow updates","backup compression default","blocked process threshold (s)","c2 audit mode","clr enabled","contained database authentication","cost threshold for parallelism","cross db ownership chaining","cursor threshold","Database Mail XPs","default full-text language","default language","default trace enabled","disallow results from triggers","filestream access level","fill factor (%)","ft crawl bandwidth (max)","ft crawl bandwidth (min)","ft notify bandwidth (max)","ft notify bandwidth (min)","index create memory (KB)","in-doubt xact resolution","lightweight pooling","locks","max degree of parallelism","max full-text crawl range","max server memory (MB)","max text repl size (B)","max worker threads","media retention","min memory per query (KB)","min server memory (MB)","nested triggers","network packet size (B)","Ole Automation Procedures","open objects","optimize for ad hoc workloads","PH timeout (s)","precompute rank","priority boost","query governor cost limit","query wait (s)","recovery interval (min)","remote access","remote admin connections","remote login timeout (s)","remote proc trans","remote query timeout (s)","Replication XPs","scan for startup procs","server trigger recursion","set working set size","show advanced options","SMO and DMO XPs","transform noise words","two digit year cutoff","user connections","user options","xp_cmdshell")]
    [Parameter(Position=2,Mandatory=$false,HelpMessage="Return only non-default settings")]

The parameters are -Instance, which can either be a single instance or an array of them, followed by -Config, which tab completes to all the current available configuration names as well as a wildcard for when all configurations are desired.  There is also a -NonDefault switch, which toggles a filter on the results only returning the configurations which are not set to their default value.

Next up, the begin{}:

begin {
    Write-Verbose "Detected parameter set $($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)"
    $scriptstring = "Starting $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
    foreach ($param in $PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator()){ $scriptstring += " -$($param.key) $($param.value)"}
    Write-Verbose $scriptstring  
    $results   = @()
    $script    = @"
DECLARE @config_defaults TABLE (name nvarchar(35), default_value sql_variant)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('access check cache bucket count',0)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('access check cache quota',0)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('Ad Hoc Distributed Queries',0)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('affinity I/O mask',0)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('affinity mask',0)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('affinity64 I/O mask',0)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('affinity64 mask',0)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('Agent XPs',1)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('allow updates',0)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('awe enabled',0)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('backup compression default',0)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('blocked process threshold (s)',0)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('c2 audit mode',0)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('clr enabled',0)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('common criteria compliance enabled',0)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('cost threshold for parallelism',5)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('cross db ownership chaining',0)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('cursor threshold',-1)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('Database Mail XPs',0)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('default full-text language',1033)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('default language',0)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('default trace enabled',1)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('disallow results from triggers',0)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('EKM provider enabled',0)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('filestream access level',0)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('fill factor (%)',0)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('ft crawl bandwidth (max)',100)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('ft crawl bandwidth (min)',0)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('ft notify bandwidth (max)',100)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('ft notify bandwidth (min)',0)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('index create memory (KB)',0)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('in-doubt xact resolution',0)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('lightweight pooling',0)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('locks',0)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('max degree of parallelism',0)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('max full-text crawl range',4)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('max server memory (MB)',2147483647)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('max text repl size (B)',65536)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('max worker threads',0)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('media retention',0)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('min memory per query (KB)',1024)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('min server memory (MB)',0)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('nested triggers',1)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('network packet size (B)',4096)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('Ole Automation Procedures',0)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('open objects',0)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('optimize for ad hoc workloads',0)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('PH timeout (s)',60)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('precompute rank',0)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('priority boost',0)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('query governor cost limit',0)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('query wait (s)',-1)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('recovery interval (min)',0)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('remote access',1)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('remote admin connections',0)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('remote login timeout (s)',20)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('remote proc trans',0)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('remote query timeout (s)',600)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('Replication XPs',0)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('scan for startup procs',0)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('server trigger recursion',1)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('set working set size',0)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('show advanced options',0)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('SMO and DMO XPs',1)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('SQL Mail XPs',0)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('transform noise words',0)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('two digit year cutoff',2049)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('user connections',0)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('user options',0)
INSERT INTO @config_defaults (name, default_value) VALUES ('xp_cmdshell',0)
SELECT @@SERVERNAME AS [ServerName], c.[name] AS [ConfigName], [Description], CONVERT(INT, ISNULL([value], [value_in_use])) AS [ConfigValue], d.[default_value] AS [DefaultValue]
FROM [sys].[configurations] c JOIN @config_defaults d on c.[name] = d.[name] WHERE c.[name] LIKE '$config'

A couple of cool things here.  Import-SQLPS is documented here, but it basically just imports the SQLPS module.  The script variable stores the actual T-SQL that I am using to pull the values.  All those inserts are putting the default values into a table variable to be used to determine whether the current setting is default or not.  It would be nice if the default value was just stored somewhere accessible, but alas this is how I worked around it.  I’m using this single line INSERT syntax to maintain compatibility with SQL 2005.  The SELECT statement returns the instance name, configuration name, configuration description, current value, and default value.

The rest of the function is pretty boring.  It just loops through each instance, runs the query, and appends the results to an overall results variable.  Here is the process{}:

process {
    if ($instance){
        $instances  = @()
        foreach ($inst in $instance){
            Write-Verbose "Adding $inst to processing array..."
            $holder     = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
            Add-Member -InputObject $holder -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'InstanceName' -Value $inst
            $instances += $holder
    else {
        Write-Verbose "Pulling instances from inventory"
        Write-Progress -id 1 -Activity "Pulling instances..." -Status "Percent Complete: 0%" -PercentComplete 0
        $instances = Get-SqlInstances
    $totalstep = $instances.Count
    $stepnum   = 0
    foreach ($inst in $instances){
	    Write-Verbose "Executing against $($inst.InstanceName)"
        Write-Progress -id 1 -Activity "Processing $($inst.InstanceName)..." -Status ("Percent Complete: " + [int](($stepnum / $totalstep) * 100) + "%") -PercentComplete (($stepnum / $totalstep) * 100)
        Write-Verbose "Executing query"
        try { $result = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $inst.InstanceName -Query $script -ConnectionTimeout 5 -ErrorAction Stop }
        catch { Write-Error "Error executing query against $($inst.InstanceName): $($_.Exception.GetBaseException().Message)" }
        $results += $result

For those playing along at home, you probably will want to change the else to have a method that works for your environment to pull all your instances, or get rid of it all together.  I like to code in my function which returns all my instances from my inventory to make things easier on me.  However, if you just have a text file or something with all your instances, that works just as well.  The only cool thing in this is the progress bars.  There is one for overall instance progress, and a sub-bar for the progress within the current instance.  Pretty neat.  Also does some bare-bones error handling.

That brings us to the end{}:

end { 
    Write-Verbose "Outputting results"
    if ($nondefault){ $results | Where-Object {$_.ConfigValue -ne $_.DefaultValue} } else { $results }
    Write-Verbose "Ending $($MyInvocation.Mycommand)" 

All this does is return the results, filtering out the ones that are set to the default value if the -NonDefault switch is specified.

Probably the easiest way to call this is something like this: Get-SqlConfigValue -Instance (Get-Content C:\TEMP\instances.txt) -Config % | Export-CSV -NoTypeInformation C:\TEMP\configurations.csv .  This will get you a nice spreadsheet with all your instances configurations.  One thing to note about this is that I embedded the cmdlet instead of piping the results.  You could use the pipeline (something like Get-Content C:\TEMP\Instances.txt | Get-SqlConfigValue -Config % ) but that will break the overall progress bar due to the nature of how the pipeline works.  It’ll still work though, just isn’t as friendly.

Here is the link to my SQL-Functions module: GitHub

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